It was 7:45am. It was a Monday. Humidity above 85%. The weather sucks. It was definitely not a good way to start the week. Usually I would still be in bed at this time under my blanket crouching like a prawn with the air conditioning unit blowing out cool air at 24 degree Celsius. But not this very morning because there was a breakfast gathering with a few friends. I was (am still) very surprised I can actually get up this early and be so awake when I arrived in Central. Maybe I should try to sleep around 5 hours a night and get up bright and early for a change !? humm ... when was the last time I had breakfast? 3 weeks ago? or was it a month ago? ... o well.

Since we were meeting at Landmark, we were too lazy to walk back over to LFK for some Tsui Wah breakfast which I enjoyed once in a while but it tends to be too much for breakfast in my opinion. Also, we were a bit tight in terms of schedule so Cafe Landmark was ruled out. Other than Starbucks, where can we have a light and simple breakfast? LE SALON DE THÉ de Joël Robuchon Note: Not the restaurant which is either LE JARDIN de Joël Robuchon or L'ATELIER de Joël Robuchon; but the Patisserie store on the 3rd floor.

(1) Le croissant aux amandes (Almond croissants) & Le pain au chocolat (Chocolate croissant)
Now, I don't know about you but I think the Almond croissant here is one of the best in Hong Kong. I am yet to find a place that can top it. At HKD 17 a piece, both hands down and two big thumbs up from me! It was served warm (re-heated with oven on order) and the layers were very thin, making it very crisp on every bite. The icing, the almond flakes and the almond filling ... o o o ... yes ... o o o ... so good! The chocolate croissant was equally well done with just the right amount of chocolate filling together with thin and crisp layers. The layers were so thin that you can break through them by a slight touch with the tip of your tongue. How I wish I can stuff the whole thing into my mouth so no single croissant flakes would be left behind (or went to waste). Leave no flakes behind !!!

Next breakfast gathering ... to be decided; but maybe it can be a weekly thing from now on? humm ... maybe I should stop by tomorrow morning and grab myself an almond croissant for breakfast again. A little luxury to start the day! By doing so, at least there is something to look forward to in the morning other than heading back to the office right away ... right? ;)
Since we were meeting at Landmark, we were too lazy to walk back over to LFK for some Tsui Wah breakfast which I enjoyed once in a while but it tends to be too much for breakfast in my opinion. Also, we were a bit tight in terms of schedule so Cafe Landmark was ruled out. Other than Starbucks, where can we have a light and simple breakfast? LE SALON DE THÉ de Joël Robuchon Note: Not the restaurant which is either LE JARDIN de Joël Robuchon or L'ATELIER de Joël Robuchon; but the Patisserie store on the 3rd floor.
(1) Le croissant aux amandes (Almond croissants) & Le pain au chocolat (Chocolate croissant)
Now, I don't know about you but I think the Almond croissant here is one of the best in Hong Kong. I am yet to find a place that can top it. At HKD 17 a piece, both hands down and two big thumbs up from me! It was served warm (re-heated with oven on order) and the layers were very thin, making it very crisp on every bite. The icing, the almond flakes and the almond filling ... o o o ... yes ... o o o ... so good! The chocolate croissant was equally well done with just the right amount of chocolate filling together with thin and crisp layers. The layers were so thin that you can break through them by a slight touch with the tip of your tongue. How I wish I can stuff the whole thing into my mouth so no single croissant flakes would be left behind (or went to waste). Leave no flakes behind !!!
Next breakfast gathering ... to be decided; but maybe it can be a weekly thing from now on? humm ... maybe I should stop by tomorrow morning and grab myself an almond croissant for breakfast again. A little luxury to start the day! By doing so, at least there is something to look forward to in the morning other than heading back to the office right away ... right? ;)
- Le croissant aux amandes (Almond croissant) - you have to experience it yourself! If chance permit, sit down to enjoy instead of buying take-away.
- Le pain au chocolat (Chocolate croissant)
- Le croissant aux amandes (Almond croissant)
- Le croissant aux amandes (Almond croissant) - I mentioned that already right? haha .. well, worth mentioning again and again !!
- I am sorry, I am still thinking ...
LE SALON DE THÉ de Joël Robuchon
Shop 315, 3/F, The Landmark,
16 Des Voeux Road Central, Central
Tel: 2166 9088