I was bored (it seems I am bored all the time recently ... ) and I tried to transform a corner of my living room into a temporary studio dedicated to food pictures. The hardest part was to get rid of the shadows! I think I need to get more and better light sources to get rid of them, plus a better reflector.

I have so much to learn, some much more practices to get it right! I am enjoying every second of it! Really want to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to Mochachocolata Rita for bringing me into the world of photography (that includes Food Photography of course ... YUM!)

Very interesting, thanks for sharing your experience.
U take good photos already, dont be so difficult to yourself la darling!
Photos are topnotch! makes HK food look great.
@Xtina: Thanks for dropping by! Just trying to play around with what I have at home haha ... it was fun indeed! ;)
@KennyT: It was fun to try new things haha ... I am very strong influenced by Rita and her wonderful food pics :)
Christopher NYC: Thanks for your kind words! I have much to learn and the learning process is the fun part as well!
Hi Jason I'm a Joe Public who finds your blog interesting and informative...and just wanna say the photos you take are GREAT :D!!!
Shadows are always a problem for me, too. But Jason, you take great photos as it is. Sometimes I feel I can just grab the food from my monitor.
Shadows are always a problem for me, too. But Jason, you take great photos as it is. Sometimes I feel I can just grab the food from my monitor!
@miffyjac: thanks for dropping by and thanks for your kind words! I have much to learn about photography but it is certainly a fun hobby!
@Jin: grab the food from the monitor? I think you are just hungry in general! lol
Jason, I use a little reflector like you do--it's just a piece of cardboard covered in white paper. And I made myself a little light box to soften the light from my desk lamp. I love learning more about food photography!
@Sarah: Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the tips! Yeah I think I need to set up a corner in the living and soften my light as well. So much to learn! So much!
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