Friday, December 16, 2011

Posto Pubblico (Hong Kong)


Christmas is approaching and in such a festive season, all sorts of gatherings often filled the December calendar with endless meals. For some reasons, out of the so many festive holidays during the year, Christmas seems to be the only one that truly fill the air with love. Be it romantic love, friendship love, security love or unconditional love,  it is the feeling of being loved that makes this holiday one most of us look forward to every year. At Posto Pubblico on a particular evening this December, their private dinner venue Posto Privato was filled with all sorts of love, including my love for good food! I have to admit, Mr. G from Posto Pubblico knows how to throw a good party!


Fellow foodies were invited for an early celebration of Christmas and we actually spent a lot time catching up among ourselves while munching on the snacks on the table that seemed to be calling your names and whispering, 'eat me please!.'


While busy eating, many of us were busy live streaming the happy moments via Twitter as well as Weibo! Say hi to Sina Weibo!


A picture is worth a thousand words and during this season of love, I will save you the energy to read my usual long writings and check out the images with minimal caption.


Not satisfied with just a plain homemade burrata? no worries, Burrata with Truffle was served as well! 


Salad was not so exciting when compared with the next dish which was ...


... deep fried risotto ball! I actually had about 4 of them. The sauce was mildly flavored which was perfect to be served early during the meal before the heavier dishes arrive.


The Spiced Atlantic Cod was flavorful and mildy spicy (if that make sense). I guess as long as I can take it, it wasn't that spicy haha. The various spices used were quite clever and liked how they used pak choy as the side to balance off the heavy flavors.


Roasted Rosemary Potatoes were good enough on its own and ...


... the same applies to the sweet potatoes!


For those not into meat, Vegetarian Lasagna was served.


Almost forgot Ravioli Pubblico was served as well and it was quite filling indeed!


For meat lovers, here comes the Roasted Leg of Lamb (Rosemary of course)


A bit heavy on the rosemary especially the outer layer but I like rosemary so I was happy about it. Don't worry, there were gravy for those looking for a lighter flavors. While serving a whole roasted leg of lamb was visually stunning for diners, because of the size of the leg of lamb, the center of the leg was not evenly seasoned and requite the help of gravy. I suppose this is a problem not easily overcome in many cases.


Figs! Look how delicious they were! I felt bad eating two entire figs while others were looking the other way!


Sometimes we would leave a meal remembering little of the food we consumed because it was very ordinary, but sometimes ordinary food with great company yield a memorable experience. The evening at Posto Pubblico was a combination of both in my opinion. Great company with good food which with a little bit of booze yielded a night filled with laughters and love! While there were some rooms for improvement in terms of the food especially the seasoning aspect of some items, I think most who attended the dinner party would not disagree that we left with a big smile!! An early Merry Christmas to all of you!  


Still Served Warm said...

This place looks incredible! We are headed to Hong Kong next week and we will check it out for sure!

Jason said...

@SSW: It is definitely worth a try! :)

Terrence said...

Thankks for writing

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